
Would a house really be a home without food in it? I don’t think so. There’s just something about walking into a house that smells like fresh baked goods that warms the soul.

Cooking at home instead of going out to eat all of the time actually saves you a lot of money, too. And, more than that, it really gives you a great idea of what exactly you are eating, instead of making it a guessing game filled with preservatives and little nutritional value.

Following BeachBody programs has allowed me to embrace all of the good things about eating at home and it’s really helped me expand on clean eating and more importantly with eating the right amount of food. Most all of the programs come with a set of meal planning containers that make it super easy to know what kinds of foods and how much of them  I need everyday to get all of the nutrients my body needs.

Here you’ll find some of the recipes I’ve come up with that are super easy and fit within the program. Sometimes I incorporate Shakeology, giving it more protein and super food supplements! You’ll also find meal prepping tips that will help plan all of your lunch meals for a week in just an hour or so! Bon Appetit!

Egg Cups Title
Learn how to make this easy meal prepping staple! >
What the heck is Shakeology?
Learn about what’s in this super food shake >
Find out how many lbs I dropped in three days cleansing the healthy way! >
Vanilla Apple Cinnamon Recipe
Find out how to make this deliciousness >